Paleonet: Cambrian Explosion

Plotnick, Roy E plotnick at
Fri Feb 26 19:00:26 UTC 2021

I was trying to locate that! Also earliest I could find. - Roy

From: Paleonet < at> On Behalf Of Graham E Budd
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 12:25 PM
To: PaleoNet <paleonet at>
Subject: Re: Paleonet: Cambrian Explosion

The first use I have been able to uncover of the exact term is in the "Yellow" edition of the BSCS high school biology textbooks of 1961. These passages seem to have been written under the guidance of Wilson N. Steward the noted palaeobotanist, who was violently opposed to Precambrian fossils...

Best Graham
From: Paleonet < at< at>> on behalf of Alexander Glass < at< at>>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 7:05:53 PM
To: paleonet at<mailto:paleonet at>
Subject: Paleonet: Cambrian Explosion

Does anyone know when the term "Cambrian Explosion" was first used and by whom?

Alexander Glass
Senior Lecturer
Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University, Durham, NC

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