Paleonet: GSA Cordilleran Section Meetup

Ashley Dineen aadineen at
Tue May 4 23:28:46 UTC 2021

Dear Paleonet,

If you'll be attending the GSA Cordilleran Section meeting next week (May
12-14th), there will be a virtual Paleontological Society meetup/
networking event on Thursday (May 13th) from 4:00 - 5:00pm (PST), via

Please stop by to meet or reunite with other paleontologists in attendance.
Students and anyone curious about paleontology are very much encouraged to

Ashley Dineen
Cordilleran Section Chair, Paleontological Society

Ashley A. Dineen, PhD
Sr. Museum Scientist, Invertebrate Paleontology
UC Museum of Paleontology
1101 Valley Life Sciences Building
Berkeley, CA 94270
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