Paleonet: help with identifying fossil casts

Thomas, Ellen ellen.thomas at
Mon Dec 12 16:50:01 UTC 2022

Hi Warren,

The two specimens are both Ward’s; we have copies of the same two specimens at Wesleyan University in the Joe Webb Peoples Museum, with catalog numbers/original Ward’s labels.  In the 1866 catalog, we are looking at No. 220 (Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris catalog; nowadays classified as Leptonectes tenuirostris) and No 255 Teleosaurus longipes, both a bit more than 4 ft long (nowadays classified as Steneosaurus or Macrospondylus bollensis).

I tried to attach pictures, but that made the message too big to go.

Ellen Thomas
Senior Research Scientist
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Yale University

Mailing address: PO Box 208109, New Haven CT 06520-8109
Street address: 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511

Smith Curator of Paleontology of the Joe Webb Peoples Museum of Natural History, Wesleyan University, Middletown CT

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