Paleonet: Palynology - algae/fungi identification

Kustatscher Evelyn Evelyn.Kustatscher at
Wed Jun 8 05:38:20 UTC 2022

first impression would have been algae for me but you figure 000407 remembered me that in several discussions on high percentage of hyphen of fungi also zygnemataceae algae were discussed and that type of internal subdivision you have could go also in that direction.

Von: Paleonet < at> Im Auftrag von Christoph Schneider
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Juni 2022 21:32
An: paleonet at
Betreff: Paleonet: Palynology - algae/fungi identification

Dear colleagues,

I would like to show the palynologists here some pictures. These are derived from an Upper Aptian succession from offshore E Brazil.

There I study a very interesting succession representing the opening of the south Atlantic, with a deltaic/freshwater (with Botryococcus) to marine environment (with dinocysts). In between I find a lot of fungal material (quite abundant in this transitional interval)  and also the attached fossils which are thicker than usual fungal hyphae. In the beginning I thought they look similar (but not identical) to Celyphus rallus, which would fit very nicely with an interpreted brackish/lagoonal setting in between a transition from freshwater to fully marine. But I am not sure if these are not just fungal hyphae. And why would then fungi be so overrepresented in this possible transitional environment? Have you seen something like these before?



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Dr. Christoph Schneider

Technology & Service Center

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