PaleoNet: EGU24 session on the Climate and biotic variability in deep time

Andrej Spiridonov s.andrej at
Thu Dec 21 14:38:00 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting your abstract to our with Shaun Lovejoy and
Norbert Marwan  interdisciplinary session at EGU24:

* ITS1.22/NP3.4 Climate and biotic variability in deep time: space-time
scaling processes in the megaclimate, macroevolution, and macroecology*
 If you are working on the macroecological, macroevolutionary, megaclimate
processes/models/patterns/data, or methods of analysis please consider to
submit! All disciplines and perspectives on long-term Earth-Life
interactions are welcome!
*The deadline is 13:00 CET 10th January 2024*

The full description of the session:

*At scales of millions of years and longer, geoprocesses typically display
nonlinear variability: strong (non Gaussian) extremes, strong (long range)
correlations, nontrivial fractal patterns and other scaling behaviours.
Over these “mega” time scales, tectonic, climatic, ecological, and
evolutionary processes interact with important consequences for the
climate, macroevolution, and other biogeological processes. Advances in
nonlinear data analysis, scale by scale decomposition of patterns, and
nonlinear modeling, combined with the increasing availability of
quantitative paleo data are enabling new and exciting discoveries in
understanding the regional and planetary scale phenomena of physical and
biological evolution. This session brings together paleontologists,
climatologists, and other nonlinear geoscientists, for a common task of
uncovering the multiscale variability and hierarchical interactions between
physical and biological dominions of the Earth system.*

Contributions relevant to processes at these long time scales are
encouraged, in particular:
1) *Data analyses: **spectra, wavelets, structure functions, probability
distributions (extremes), recurrence plots, trace moments and other
nonlinear analysis techniques as well as numerical modeling studies.*
 2) *Modelling:* *Stochastic, scaling (fractal, multifractal), fractional
equations, deterministic chaos, numerical models.*
 3) *Phenomena:** macroevolution including dynamics of diversity,
extinction, origination of species, climate including paleotemperature and
other paleoseries, and sea-level changes.*

With best wishes,

Professor Andrej Spiridonov

Department of Geology and Mineralogy

Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences

Vilnius University

M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21/27

Vilnius 03101, Lithuania
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