Paleonet: unknown fossil

Michael Streng Michael.Streng at
Wed Jun 21 15:37:19 UTC 2023

Dear Walter,

some additional information on the age and the material of the fossil would be helpful, potentially also the type of sediment it has been found in. If the specimen is calcareous it could be a fragment of a holothurian sclerite as already Suggested by Michael K. There are some wheel-shaped sclerites that have a brim of “teeth” which remind of your specimen. See attached photo (if it comes through). I think even their size is comparable.


[cid:ACCA11A4-B577-43D9-9F6A-960C6C79C100 at]

Michael Streng
Uppsala University
Department of Earth Sciences
Palaeobiology Programme
Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala

On 21 Jun 2023, at 10:04, Walter.Etter at<mailto:Walter.Etter at> wrote:

Dear Paleonetters

Does anyone have an idea what this tiny fossil might be?

Best wishes, Walter

Dr. Walter Etter
Naturhistorisches Museum
Kurator Geowissenschaften
Augustinergasse 2
CH 4001 Basel

Telefon +41 61 266 55 63
Fax +41 61 266 55 46
walter.etter at<mailto:walter.etter at><>

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