Paleonet: Palaeoverse: Workshop and Hackathon event

Lewis Jones LewisA.Jones at
Tue May 2 12:35:01 UTC 2023

Dear Paleonet,

This is a quick reminder that registration for the 'Palaeoverse: Workshop and Hackathon’ event will close on the 31st May.

The event will take place on the 7th and 8th of September 2023 at University College London, UK. The workshop component of the event will introduce databases (e.g. Paleobiology Database), building workflows in R (e.g. data cleaning), developing functions, and the versatility R has to offer. The hackathon component of the event will provide the opportunity for researchers to work together in small focus groups to develop workflows, functions, and novel tools to address challenges in palaeobiology. The goal of the hackathon will be to develop code which could be incorporated into the palaeoverse R package (<>). This event will provide an opportunity for attendees to work and network with different researchers, and gain experience of working collaboratively in R to generate reproducible research. There are 20 spaces available for the event and registration is free thanks to support from both the Palaeontological Association and Paleontological Society. Applicants can be of any career stage (undergraduate and upwards), but must have a strong interest in answering palaeobiological questions, and at least some basic understanding of programming in R. In the event of oversubscription, we will select applicants to maximise the diversity of research topics and R proficiency levels.

Registration and event details can be found here:

All the best,

Dr Lewis A. Jones | Postdoctoral Researcher
Centro de Investigación Mariña | Universidade de Vigo
t: @LewisAlanJones<> | w:<>

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