Paleonet: Posting specimens UK to EU

Andy Johnson A.L.A.Johnson at
Thu Oct 19 08:27:24 UTC 2023

If you are using DHL you might try switching to Fedex or UPS. These companies seem more reliable for sending geochemical samples to Germany.


[University of Derby]

Dr ALA Johnson

Visiting Research Fellow in Sclerochronology
School of Science

07752 207408
a.l.a.johnson at
From: Paleonet < at> on behalf of Lucy Muir <lucy at>
Sent: 19 October 2023 08:45
To: paleonet at <paleonet at>
Subject: Paleonet: Posting specimens UK to EU

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Dear all,

This is mostly a question for UK-based paleonetters. I have just found out that a parcel of fossil specimens that I tried to send from the UK to Spain has been returned - for the second time. One of my colleagues has had a box of specimens rejected by Portuguese customs, so this is not just me. I assume that this is something to do with changes in customs after Brexit. Can anyone give any advice on sending specimens from the UK so that they will actually reach their destination?

Additional information, in case it's useful: I filled in a customs form saying that the contents were "Geological specimens for study" and giving a value of £1. (I put this value in on the advice of Post Office staff - at the first attempt I had said that the value was £0.)

I would like to go to Spain on holiday, but it seems a little ridiculous to have to do that in order to hand over some fossils...

Best wishes,


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